
Chair: Bill Lawhorn
Vice Chair: Sam Lubell
Ads: Cathy Green
Con Suite: Logan Beard and Brittany Davis
Con Ops / Green Room: TBD
Dealers Room: Bob Macintosh
Fan Tables: TBD
Guest of Honor Liaison: TBD
Hotel Liaison: Colette Fozard
Programming: Michael Nelson
Program Book: TBD
Publicity: Cathy Green
Pre-Con Registration: Sam Scheiner
At Con Registration: TBD
Registration Mass Communications: Elizabeth Twitchell
Restaurant Guide: TBD
Social Media Guru and Dodo Wrangler: Sarah Mitchell
Tech Goddess: Kathi Overton
Treasurer: Sam Scheiner
Volunteers: TBD
Website: Paul Haggerty & Gayle Surrette
Workshop Coordinator: TBD