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Total Attendees: 286 Anonymous Attendees: 26
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Registered Members
Danielle Ackley-McPhail David Louis Edelman John Madigan Bill Ross
Linda Adams Scott Edelman Nick Mamatas Donna Royston
Roger MacBride Allen David Edelstein Teddie L. Mamatas Jamie Rubin
Day Al-Mohamed Chris Logan Edwards Jim Mann Diana Rutherford
Scott H. Andrews Olivia Flint Laurie Mann Rick Rutherford
Catherine Asaro Andrew Fox Eugenia K. Martin Richard D. Sakamoto
John Ashmead Carolyn Frank Winton E. Matthews John T. Sapienza
David M. Axler D Douglas Fratz James Maxey Peggy Rae Sapienza
Dan Barnett Stan Galloway Thomas McCabe Mark Sarney
Brick Barrientos Ron Garner Michael Edward McConnell John Scalzi
Mary Barrientos Laura Anne Gilman Stacey Helton McConnell Judy Scheiner
Miranda Barrientos Robert Glaub Mike McPhail Sam Scheiner
David Bartell Sarah Goodman Jennifer Michael Lawrence M. Schoen
Michael Bartman Cathy Green Jeffrey A Mierzejewski Darrell Schweitzer
Allen R. Batson Paul D. Haggerty Kseniya Mierzejewski George R. Shaner
Covert Beach Eugene R. Hamilton Sarah Mitchell Hildy Silverman
Amy E. Beaven Katie Hartlove Laura Montgomery Alan Smale
Charles M. Beeghly Niqui Hayden Scott L. Moore Larry Smith
Linda Benkin Charity Helton Jennifer Morris Rosemary C. Smith
Martin J Berman-Gorvine John Hemry James Morrow Steve Smith
Brian P. Bilbrey Art Henderson Kathryn Morrow Terry L. Smith
Gary S. Blog Becky Henderson Eyal Mozes Rodney Somerstein
Marilyn "Mattie" Brahen Loralea D Henry Cathryn L. Mullen Laura Somerville
Seth Breidbart Tracy Henry Michael Nelson Terry Somerville
Jennifer Brinn Inge Heyer Barry Newton Bud Sparhawk
Mike Brown Larry Hodges Judy Newton Janine Spendlove
N. Renee Brown Annalee Flower Horne Meridel Newton William Squire
Warren Buff Huck Huckenpohler Dolores Nichols Risa M Stewart
Ken Byrer J. G. Huckenpöhler Donald Nichols Sandy F. C. Stewart
Colleen Cahill Walter H. Hunt Sherin Nicole Elaine Stiles
Chris Callahan Michael Ikeda Jo/e Noakes Steve Stiles
James R. Caplan Victoria Janssen Karen North Samantha Straf
Robert Carl Bill Jensen Barry Nove Jim Stratton
Lorna Carlson George Johnston Robert D Oliver Erwin S. Strauss
Anton Chernoff Leslie Johnston PaulFrancis OSullivan Ian Randall Strock
Peggy O. Chernoff Ronald Jones Lance Oszko Lee Strong
Alexander A. Chimento Sarah R. Katz Neil Ottenstein Gayle Surrette
Eric Choi Morgan Keyes Evan M. Pais Peter J. Sursi
Neil Clarke Judith Kindell Aly Parsons Stephanie D. Sursi
Gillian Clinton Dave Klecha Crystal Paul Michael J. Taylor
Brenda Clough Jonah Knight Kate Paulk Robert L. Thornton
Claudia Collyer Sally Kobee Michael Pederson John Tyner
Geoff Collyer Yoji Kondo Jennifer Pelland Genevieve Valentine
Karl Cook Hope Levy Kott Donald Pelton Meagen Kathleen Voss
Iver Cooper Phillip S. Kott Andres Perez Jennifer Wallace
Suzanne R. Cooper Elspeth Kovar Diana Peterfreund Sean Wallace
Lisa Costello James T. Kunkel Dusk Peterson Mike Walsh
Chris Cowan Dorothy Kurtz Roy Pettis Jean Marie Ward
Melissa L. Cox Myra Laird Larry Pezzuto William P Ward
Meriah Crawford Dennis D. Landis. Jr. Evan Phillips Lawrence Watt-Evans
Meriah Lysistrata Crawford William Laplant P.M. Picucci Phyllis White
Thomas M. Crepeau William Lawhorn KT Pinto Erika E. Wilson
Patrick Darby Dina Leacock Andrija Popovic Camron S. Winslow
Debra Datskovskiy Glennis LeBlanc Emily L. Powell Michael J. Winslow
Stanislav Datskovskiy Edward M. Lerner William S. Prins Taras Wolansky
Virginia DeMarce Brian Lewis Virginia Pruitt Allen Wold
Richard A. Dengrove Samuel Lin Joseph Jr. Radko Darcy Wold
Jane Dennis Craig Loewen David Raley Martin Morse Wooster
Scott Dennis Sam Lubell Jim Reichert Ben Yalow
Michael Dirda Natalie A. Luhrs Cole Richardson Jun Yan
Vickie L. DiSanto Perianne Lurie Katherine H. Richardson Madeleine Yeh
Chris Dolley Nicki Lynch Betsy A. Riley Patty Yost
Shelagh Dolley Rich Lynch Nathan Rockwood Jonathan T. Zimmer
Tom Doyle Robert J. MacIntosh Dick Roepke Beth Zipser
Michelle Drumheller Candy Madigan Robert B. Roser Mike Zipser

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