Hours of Operations (Preliminary) |
Friday 3pm-9pm
Saturday 10am-9pm
Sunday 10am-3pm
Dealer's Room (Regency)
Friday: 4pm-8pm
Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 11am-3pm
Con Suite (Plaza III)
Friday: 3pm-1am
Saturday: 10am-1am
Sunday: 10am-3pm
Con Ops (Rm 302)
Friday: 4pm-8pm
Saturday: 9am-8pm
Sunday: 9am-3pm
Capclave 2010 - Events
October 22, 2010 - October 24
Grid of Scheduled Events
(NOTE: All events are subject to change. Please check back often.)
| Montrose | Room 304 | Plaza II | Randolph | Plaza III Con Suite |
2010-10-22 - Friday |
5:00 pm | William Tenn/Phil Klass | | Abusing Authors | | |
5:30 pm | Reading - Allen Wold | | |
6:00 pm | Remembering John W. Campbell and Others | Reading - Eric Choi | Xenobiology: Creating a New World | | |
6:30 pm | Reading - Danny Birt | | |
7:00 pm | Canadian SF/F | Reading - Tom Doyle | Mutants: Gift or Curse? | Is Steampunk Here to Stay? | |
7:30 pm | Reading - Larry Hodges | |
8:00 pm | Mythic and Hero Tales | Reading - Ira Nayman | Writers and the Internet: When is Enough Enough? | How to Submit Short Fiction for Publication | |
8:30 pm | Reading - C. Alan Loewen | Danny Birt Book Launch Party |
9:00 pm | Read-a-thon | Reading - Anne Sheldon | Connie Willis and Boats: What's up With This? | How to Earn a Living as a Writer When You Can't Make It On Your Fiction |
9:30 pm | Reading - Nan Fry |
10:00 pm | Mashups Smashups | Reading - CJ Henderson | Return of the Mad Scientists! | Filking Friday | |
10:30 pm | | |
11:00 pm | | Ghost Stories! | From New Weird to Next Wave: Where's the Action Coming from This Decade? | |
11:30 pm | | |
12:00 am | | | | |
12:30 am | | | | |
| Montrose | Room 304 | Plaza II | Randolph | Plaza III Con Suite |
2010-10-23 - Saturday |
10:00 am | Manga for the Uninitiated | Reading - James Morrow | Best 2010 Short Fiction | Wold's Writers Workshop | |
10:30 am | Reading - Bud Sparhawk | |
11:00 am | Chinese, but not from China | Reading - Eric Schulman | The Mule, Muad'dib, and Men Who Stare at Goats | |
11:30 am | Reading - Laura Ann Gilman | |
12:00 pm | Flash Fiction: Writing for the ADHD Generation | Reading - Mindy Klasky | ePublishing | VanderMeer's Writer's Workshop | |
12:30 pm | Reading - Jeri Smith-Ready | |
1:00 pm | The Physics of Paradox | Reading - Walter Hunt | All Clear reading by Connie Willis | |
1:30 pm | Reading - Michael Swanwick | |
2:00 pm | Online Content Workshop | Reading - Roxanne Bland | World Building; Planning and Execution | Reviewer's Workshop | Book Launch Party |
2:30 pm | Reading - Brenda Clough |
3:00 pm | Reading - Robert Scott | Spotlight on Ann and Jeff VanderMeer |
3:30 pm | Reading - Scott H. Andrews | |
4:00 pm | Russian Science Fiction | Reading - Lawrence Schoen | We Like Short Shorts | Wold Plotting Workshop | |
4:30 pm | Reading - Barbara Krasnoff | |
5:00 pm | Military Science Fiction | Reading - Andrew Fox | Connie Willis Interview | |
5:30 pm | Reading - Leona Wisoker | |
6:00 pm | The Joys of Audio Books | Reading - William Patterson | | Music in books; Can You Hear it? | |
6:30 pm | Reading - Kevin Lauderdale | | |
7:00 pm | Broad Universe RapidFire Reading | Reading - Dr. Charles E. Gannon | | What is the WSFA Small Press Award? | |
7:30 pm | Reading - Genevieve Valentine | | |
8:00 pm | | | Capclave Autograph Session | | |
8:30 pm | | | | |
9:00 pm | | | WSFA Small Press Awards, Last Drink Bird Head Award and Party | | |
9:30 pm | | | | |
10:00 pm | | | Capclave Concert | Filking Saturday | |
10:30 pm | | | |
11:00 pm | | | |
11:30 pm | | | |
12:00 am | | | | |
12:30 am | | | | |
| Montrose | Room 304 | Plaza II | Randolph | Plaza III Con Suite |
2010-10-24 - Sunday |
11:00 am | Short Fiction Authors You Should Know (But Probably Don't) | | Reading - Jeff VanderMeer | Wordsmith's Workshop | |
11:30 am | | |
12:00 pm | Writing for a Shared Universe | | History in Science Fiction | |
12:30 pm | Reading - Darrell Schweitzer | | |
1:00 pm | Summers in Oz: L. Frank Baum and Macatawa, MI. | Reading - Jack Campbell/John Hemry | Small Presses Today | | |
1:30 pm | Reading - William Freedman | | |
2:00 pm | Charms of Dystopia | | | | |
2:30 pm | | | | |
3:00 pm | Gripe Session | | | | |
3:30 pm | | | | |
Items are sorted by Category, Date/Time, Room and Event Name
(NOTE: All items are subject to change. Please check back often.)
Event Descriptions
Friday 5:00 pm |
Montrose |
William Tenn/Phil Klass
Panelists: James Morrow, Kathy Morrow (M), Fred Ramsey, Connie Willis
Plaza II |
Abusing Authors
Panelists: Eric Choi, Laura Anne Gilman, C.J. Henderson, Lawrence M. Schoen, Alan Smale, Leona Wisoker
Panelists answer whatever questions the audience has on writing, editing, character development, agents, and others. Includes many non-writer-parts-of-being-a-writer, such as being your own boss, setting schedules, and so on. |
Friday 6:00 pm |
Montrose |
Remembering John W. Campbell and Others
Panelists: Kathy Morrow, William Patterson, Darrell Schweitzer
2010 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of John W. Campbell. This program will look at the influence and legacies of this giant of science fiction, as well as others who have helped form the genres we read today. |
Plaza II |
Xenobiology: Creating a New World
Panelists: Iver Cooper, Caroline Cox, Dr. Charles E. Gannon (M), Perrianne Lurie, Sam Scheiner
How might the biology of other worlds differ from ours, and why? Will this mean humans adapt or they adapt the planet and what are the environmental and social pitfalls? Scientists and writers explore the ramifications of humans interacting with very different worlds. |
Friday 7:00 pm |
Montrose |
Canadian SF/F
Panelists: Eric Choi, Ira Nayman
Plaza II |
Mutants: Gift or Curse?
Panelists: C.J. Henderson, Robert Scott, Jean Marie Ward
What are the joys and pains of being a zombie, vampire, werewolf? Discussion of trends in depictions of mutants in books, films, comics, and popular culture. |
Randolph |
Is Steampunk Here to Stay?
Panelists: Michael Dirda, Dr. Charles E. Gannon, Tee Morris, James Morrow, Ann VanderMeer
Lasting literature or passing fad: will steampunk be with us in the future? Authors discuss past and future of this popular genre which has an influence far beyond books. |
Friday 8:00 pm |
Montrose |
Mythic and Hero Tales
Panelists: Bill Mayhew, Anne Sheldon
Reading of different mythic and heroic tales by two very talented story tellers. |
Plaza II |
Writers and the Internet: When is Enough Enough?
Panelists: Oz Drummond, Walter H. Hunt, Tee Morris, Karen Wester Newton, Jeff VanderMeer, Jean Marie Ward
How much of the Internet is needed for an author to successfully promote themselves and their works? And how much is too much? |
Friday 8:30 pm |
Plaza III (Con Suite) |
Danny Birt Book Launch Party
Come join Danny Birt for a Capclave exclusive: a DOUBLE Book Launch party! Snacks will be provided as we celebrate the release of Beginning an Ending (the third book in Danny's fantasy pentology) AND the release of his first Children's/YA book, Between a Roc and a Hard Place (wherein a young dragon is abandoned as an egg and is adopted by a family of birds). Attendees will have the chance to enter a drawing for a plush dragon or other possible prizes. Guests must be present to win. |
Friday 9:00 pm |
Montrose |
Have an author you think is not read enough? Now is your chance to bring them forward. Each person will be given 5 minutes to read a piece from any author, living or dead. |
Plaza II |
Connie Willis and Boats: What's up With This?
Panelists: Oz Drummond, Doug Fratz, Jim Freund (M), Connie Willis
Rowing up the Thames and sailing on the Titanic; Connie seems to have a thing for boats. And time travel... and humor... and so much more. Panelists will examine the various elements that make up our Guest of Honors work, perhaps with a bit of tongue in cheek. |
Friday 10:00 pm |
Montrose |
Mashups Smashups
Panelists: James Maxey, Elaine Stiles
Little Women and Werewolves, Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, Tom Sawyer and the Undead, Jane Austen Fight Club -- when is enough enough? How do you fit the fantasy into a classic to make it work? Are there any works that just shouldn't be touched? |
Plaza II |
Return of the Mad Scientists!
Panelists: Eric Choi, Caroline Cox, James Morrow, Jon Singer, Alan Smale (M)
What is it like to be a "mad scientist" and how does the reality differ from the stories? And has anything changed in the last 5 years? |
Randolph |
Filking Friday
Friday 11:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Ghost Stories!
Bring your best spooky tales and share with everyone. Can be your work or read something of a favorite author. Flashlights will be provided! |
Plaza II |
From New Weird to Next Wave: Where's the Action Coming from This Decade?
Panelists: Jim Freund (M), Alisa Krasnostein, Michael Swanwick, Ann VanderMeer, Jeff VanderMeer, Lawrence Watt-Evans
A discussion and exploration of writing on the fringe, writing from new generations impacting the center of genre, and all sorts of cool cross-genre fiction in between. |
Saturday 10:00 am |
Montrose |
Manga for the Uninitiated
Panelists: Drew Bittner (M), Sherin Nicole
Wonder what manga is all about? Here is your chance to learn about it from those who truly appreciate this art form. |
Plaza II |
Best 2010 Short Fiction
Panelists: Neil Clarke, Ann VanderMeer, Jeff VanderMeer
What is the best of the recent short fiction in 2010? The panel will talk about where the stars are being published, authors to watch and tales to track down. |
Author's hallway table |
Choi - Table
Panelists: Eric Choi
Saturday 11:00 am |
Montrose |
Chinese, but not from China
Panelists: Eric Choi (M), Brenda Clough
Panel on The Dragon and the Stars (DAW) the first anthology of science fiction and fantasy stories written by ethnic Chinese living outside of China. |
Plaza II |
The Mule, Muad'dib, and Men Who Stare at Goats
Panelists: John G. Hemry, Edward M. Lerner, Thomas McCabe (M), Gary L. Oleson, Sam Scheiner
Superhumans, such as from the Second Foundation, the Mule, Paul Muad'dib, Khan Noonian Singh, X-Men are a perennial feature of science fiction. Can there be such a thing? How might they come about? Can they be created deliberately? How would humanity deal with them if they did come about? |
Author's hallway table |
Harmon / Ward - Table
Panelists: Kelly A. Harmon, Jean Marie Ward
Saturday 12:00 pm |
Montrose |
Flash Fiction: Writing for the ADHD Generation
Panelists: John Betancourt, Laura Anne Gilman, Larry Hodges, Dina Leacock (Diane Arrelle), C. Alan Loewen (M)
Markets are opening up everywhere for stories of 500 to 1,000 words or less and with the advent of Twitter and Facebook, there are markets for stories just a few sentences in length. In this panel we will discuss the markets, the writing techniques, the agony and the ecstasy and the future of writing the super-short story. |
Plaza II |
Panelists: Scott H. Andrews, Neil Clarke, James Maxey (M), Tee Morris, Karen Wester Newton
eBooks are a popular (fairly) new format. Some authors have started publishing only on digital platforms like Kindle and iBooks. Literary agent Andrew Wiley recently started a new Kindle-only imprint of his clients' backlist, although he backed off from publishing some of them. Is this a good thing for authors? What will happen in the future as publishers insist on keeping ebook rights? |
Author's hallway table |
Fox / Schulman - Table
Panelists: Andrew Fox, Eric Schulman
Saturday 1:00 pm |
Montrose |
The Physics of Paradox
Panelists: John Ashmead (M)
There is nothing in modern physics to rule out time travel, save the possibility of paradox. And -- thanks to quantum mechanics -- it seems any potential paradoxes would be self-canceling. [There are some fun examples in Connie Willis's The Doomsday Book & her To Say Nothing of the Dog as to how this might work in practice.] So the only thing standing between us and time travel is not knowing how to go about it, exactly. But several recent papers have proposed ways to use the Large Hadron Collider at CERN to create particle loops that go backwards in time (for admittedly very very short times). Now what? Attend, discuss, panic!
Author's hallway table |
Wisoker / Leacock - Table
Panelists: Dina Leacock (Diane Arrelle), Leona Wisoker
Saturday 2:00 pm |
Plaza II |
World Building; Planning and Execution
Panelists: William Freedman, Laura Anne Gilman, Edward M. Lerner, James Maxey, Bud Sparhawk, John C. Wright
Plaza III (Con Suite) |
Book Launch Party
Capclave authors gather to show off their latest titles; come find out about the newest cool books! |
Author's hallway table |
Nayman - Table
Panelists: Ira Nayman
Saturday 3:00 pm |
Plaza II |
Spotlight on Ann and Jeff VanderMeer
Panelists: Ann VanderMeer (M), Jeff VanderMeer (M)
Dr. Lambshead, Steampunk, Weird Tales, Imaginary Animals, and You: Join Weird Tales editor and Hugo Award winner Ann VanderMeer and her World Fantasy Award winning husband, writer and editor Jeff VanderMeer as they take you on a whirlwind visual exclusive inside look at a cornucopia of exciting new projects, from The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities, featuring work by Mike Mignola and Greg Broadmore, to the Steampunk Bible coffee table book, from the rejuvenated Weird Tales to the insanely entertaining Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals, featuring recipes for Wookie and Cthulhu by Ace of Cake's Duff Goldman. With discussion, interrogation, arguments, and, er, Mongolian Death Worms. Nom nom. |
Author's hallway table |
Kondo - Table
Panelists: Yoji Kondo
Saturday 4:00 pm |
Montrose |
Russian Science Fiction
Panelists: Ekaterina M. Verner (M)
Dr. Ekaterina M. Verner, a NASA scientist raised in Russia, will discuss science fiction from her homeland, both in books and movies. |
Plaza II |
We Like Short Shorts
Panelists: David Bartell, Larry Hodges, Ira Nayman, Darrell Schweitzer, Bud Sparhawk, Michael Swanwick (M)
Discover the joys and wonders of these brief and often intense nuggets of literature, why people write them and who would want to read them. |
Covert suite |
Titanic Tea
Join us on for tea and treats as we sail on the good ship Titantic. |
Author's hallway table |
Gilman / Lerner - Table
Panelists: Laura Anne Gilman, Edward M. Lerner
Saturday 5:00 pm |
Montrose |
Military Science Fiction
Panelists: Captain Chris Christopher USN (Ret.), John G. Hemry, Yoji Kondo, Edward M. Lerner, Bud Sparhawk (M), John C. Wright
Science fiction writers discuss the state of Military SF today, how it has changed over time and where it might be headed in the future. |
Plaza II |
Connie Willis Interview
Panelists: Connie Willis, Mike Zipser (M)
Fast-Forward TV's Mike Ziper will interview Connie Willis. |
Author's hallway table |
Klasky / Smith-Ready Table
Panelists: Mindy L. Klasky, Jeri Smith-Ready
Saturday 6:00 pm |
Montrose |
The Joys of Audio Books
Panelists: Colleen Cahill, Michael Dirda, Doug Fratz, Tee Morris, Aly Parsons (M)
Audio books are more available than ever before, but are different than reading. Join a panel and discover what, where and how to enjoy these wonderful gems. |
Randolph |
Music in books; Can You Hear it?
Panelists: Robert Balder, Danny Birt, Tom Doyle, Jeri Smith-Ready
How does music work in a book? Various authors will discuss using music and musicians in their writing, the difficulties and joys. |
Author's hallway table |
Krasnostein - Table
Panelists: Alisa Krasnostein
Saturday 7:00 pm |
Montrose |
Broad Universe RapidFire Reading
Panelists: Roxanne Bland, Oz Drummond, Kelly A. Harmon, Dina Leacock (Diane Arrelle), Jean Marie Ward
The women authors of Broad Universe serve up tasty bites of fiction...and free chocolate! |
Randolph |
What is the WSFA Small Press Award?
Wonder what this award being given out is all about? Find out from the 2010 Small Press Award Committee. |
Saturday 8:00 pm |
Plaza II |
Capclave Autograph Session
A gathering of all the Capclave authors in one place, ready to sign books and chat! |
Saturday 9:00 pm |
Plaza II |
WSFA Small Press Awards, Last Drink Bird Head Award and Party
Join us for the announcement of the winner of the WSFA Small Press Award. An added bonus is Jeff and Ann VanderMeer will be announcing the winner of this years Last Drink Bird Head Award. There will also be some other surprises revealed, plus cake! |
Saturday 10:00 pm |
Plaza II |
Capclave Concert
Panelists: Danny Birt, Peter Heck, Jonah Knight
Music from various participants of Capclave, who show that they are more than just good writers. |
Randolph |
Filking Saturday
Sunday 11:00 am |
Montrose |
Short Fiction Authors You Should Know (But Probably Don't)
Panelists: Doug Fratz, Barbara Krasnoff (M), Darrell Schweitzer
With the disappearance of many magazines, short story authors are not as widely known to readers, but that does not mean many fine writers are still out there. Find out how they are and how to locate their work. |
Author's hallway table |
Man who never missed - Mark J. Kilbane
Panelists: Mark J. Kilbane
Sunday 12:00 pm |
Montrose |
Writing for a Shared Universe
Panelists: Brenda Clough, Iver Cooper, Dr. Charles E. Gannon, Jeff VanderMeer
Shared universes have been around for many a year. Panelists will discuss the advantage, disadvantages and what it take to work in this type of writing. |
Plaza II |
History in Science Fiction
Panelists: Andrew Fox, John G. Hemry, Walter H. Hunt (M), Mark Olson, Alan Smale, Connie Willis
Time travel is a major theme in science fiction, touching the past with the future. Is this the only way to use the past in science fiction? |
Sunday 1:00 pm |
Montrose |
Summers in Oz: L. Frank Baum and Macatawa, MI.
Panelists: Tom Doyle (M)
Plaza II |
Small Presses Today
Panelists: Neil Clarke, Alisa Krasnostein, Jim Mann, Tee Morris, Sean Wallace, Leona Wisoker
Are we in a golden age of small presses for genre fiction? Panelists discuss why this might be and the importance of small press on literature today. |
Sunday 2:00 pm |
Montrose |
Charms of Dystopia
Panelists: Brenda Clough, Tom Doyle, Andrew Fox, Doug Fratz, Ira Nayman
Why is it that anyone would want to read a dystopia? Why are books like The Windup Girl popular and what does the writer and reader get out of them? |
Sunday 3:00 pm |
Montrose |
Gripe Session
Comments, criticisms and we hope lots of kudos about 2010 Capclave. |
Friday 8:00 pm |
Randolph |
How to Submit Short Fiction for Publication
Panelists: Kelly A. Harmon (M)
Friday 9:00 pm |
Randolph |
How to Earn a Living as a Writer When You Can't Make It On Your Fiction
Panelists: Barbara Krasnoff (M)
Saturday 10:00 am |
Randolph |
Wold's Writers Workshop
Panelists: L. Jagi Lamplighter, C. Alan Loewen, Leona Wisoker, Allen Wold (M), Darcy Wold
Allen Wold and friends will help you become a better writer. Bring paper and a writing implement. All else will be explained at the beginning of the session |
Saturday 12:00 pm |
Randolph |
VanderMeer's Writer's Workshop
Panelists: Ann VanderMeer (M), Jeff VanderMeer (M)
Writers workshop with Jeff and Ann VanderMeer; participants had to register before Capclave. |
Saturday 2:00 pm |
Montrose |
Online Content Workshop
Panelists: Robert Balder (M)
Putting your comics, music, video, and fiction online is easy. Making it pay is harder, but it can be done. Join webcomic creator and comedy musician Rob Balder as he talks about making a living with the free content model. Get practical advice (feel free to bring a laptop/tablet and samples of your stuff) and work out a specific strategy for growing and monetizing an audience around your work. |
Randolph |
Reviewer's Workshop
Panelists: Doug Fratz, Peter Heck (M), Jean Marie Ward
A good reviewer does more then read free books and say "I like that". Peter Heck, a regular reviewer for Asimov's Science Fiction will demonstrate the hallmarks of a good review and how to create one. |
Saturday 4:00 pm |
Randolph |
Wold Plotting Workshop
Panelists: Allen Wold (M)
What makes a story a story? How do you construct a viable plot from a bare (naked) idea? We'll start at the beginning, and by the end, you should have everything you need to know to plot your story. |
Sunday 11:00 am |
Randolph |
Wordsmith's Workshop
Panelists: Danny Birt (M)
Danny Birt will guide you through looking at writing from the perspective of the single word, and then work up from there, making sure that every word counts. This 1.5 hour workshop is good for beginners to professionals. |
Friday 5:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Allen Wold
Panelists: Allen Wold (M)
Friday 6:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Eric Choi
Panelists: Eric Choi (M)
Friday 6:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Danny Birt
Panelists: Danny Birt (M)
Friday 7:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Tom Doyle
Panelists: Tom Doyle (M)
Friday 7:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Larry Hodges
Panelists: Larry Hodges (M)
Friday 8:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Ira Nayman
Panelists: Ira Nayman (M)
Friday 8:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - C. Alan Loewen
Panelists: C. Alan Loewen (M)
Friday 9:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Anne Sheldon
Panelists: Anne Sheldon (M)
Friday 9:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Nan Fry
Panelists: Nan Fry (M)
Friday 10:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - CJ Henderson
Panelists: C.J. Henderson (M)
Saturday 10:00 am |
Room 304 |
Reading - James Morrow
Panelists: James Morrow (M)
Saturday 10:30 am |
Room 304 |
Reading - Bud Sparhawk
Panelists: Bud Sparhawk (M)
Saturday 11:00 am |
Room 304 |
Reading - Eric Schulman
Panelists: Eric Schulman (M)
Saturday 11:30 am |
Room 304 |
Reading - Laura Ann Gilman
Panelists: Laura Anne Gilman (M)
Saturday 12:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Mindy Klasky
Panelists: Mindy L. Klasky (M)
Saturday 12:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Jeri Smith-Ready
Panelists: Jeri Smith-Ready (M)
Saturday 1:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Walter Hunt
Panelists: Walter H. Hunt (M)
Plaza II |
All Clear reading by Connie Willis
Panelists: Connie Willis (M)
Connie Willis will read from her new release All Clear and answer questions about both this book and Blackout. |
Saturday 1:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Michael Swanwick
Panelists: Michael Swanwick (M)
Saturday 2:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Roxanne Bland
Panelists: Roxanne Bland (M)
Saturday 2:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Brenda Clough
Panelists: Brenda Clough (M)
Saturday 3:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Robert Scott
Panelists: Robert Scott (M)
Saturday 3:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Scott H. Andrews
Panelists: Scott H. Andrews (M)
Saturday 4:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Lawrence Schoen
Panelists: Lawrence M. Schoen (M)
Saturday 4:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Barbara Krasnoff
Panelists: Barbara Krasnoff (M)
Saturday 5:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Andrew Fox
Panelists: Andrew Fox (M)
Saturday 5:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Leona Wisoker
Panelists: Leona Wisoker (M)
Saturday 6:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - William Patterson
Panelists: William Patterson (M)
Saturday 6:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Kevin Lauderdale
Panelists: Kevin Lauderdale (M)
Saturday 7:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Dr. Charles E. Gannon
Panelists: Dr. Charles E. Gannon (M)
Saturday 7:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Genevieve Valentine
Panelists: Genevieve Valentine (M)
Sunday 11:00 am |
Plaza II |
Reading - Jeff VanderMeer
Panelists: Jeff VanderMeer (M)
Guest of Honor Jeff VanderMeer reads ... |
Sunday 12:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Darrell Schweitzer
Panelists: Darrell Schweitzer (M)
Sunday 1:00 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - Jack Campbell/John Hemry
Panelists: John G. Hemry (M)
Sunday 1:30 pm |
Room 304 |
Reading - William Freedman
Panelists: William Freedman (M)
Extracted from Concentric Version 1.0.0 by Leane Verhulst © 2008
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