Born in 1947, James Morrow has been writing fiction ever since, as a seven-year-old living in the Philadelphia suburbs, he dictated "The Story of the Dog Family" to his mother, who dutifully typed it up and bound the pages with yarn. Upon reaching adulthood, Jim channeled his storytelling urges toward the production of speculative literature. The majority of his eleven novels are written in satiric-theological mode, including the critically acclaimed Godhead Trilogy. He has won the World Fantasy Award twice (for Only Begotten Daughter and Towing Jehovah), the Nebula Award twice (for his story "The Deluge" and the novella City of Truth), and the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award once (for the novella Shambling Towards Hiroshima). In recent years Jim has written historical fiction informed by a fantastika sensibility, including The Last Witchfinder (about the birth of the Enlightenment), Galápagos Regained (about the coming of the Darwinian worldview), and a novel-in-progress that sardonically reimagines the A.D. 325 Council of Nicaea.
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